Duet A 2015

In Duet A, Heremans shifts the focus from balanced group constellations to the dynamic interaction of just two visitors. This change allows for greater flexibility, as the interactive imagination compositions can now be explored in various settings, finding awe in unexpected places.

The intimate exchange between these two participants creates a profound connection, where their imaginations entwine, and their individual worlds merge. In this intimate duet, the boundaries between self and other blur, leading to unique and mesmerizing experiences that unfold in the most unforeseen corners of the artistic space.

Duet A celebrates the beauty of human connection and the limitless possibilities of collaborative imagination.

Imagination Choreography for 2 visitors 2 diverse audio tracks ~15’00"
spoken recorded words in English tape mp3-players headphones

Voice by Emily Whitebread
Photos by Paul McGee

©2024 Roel Heremans